
The digital brain concept

In my pursuit for a better way to learn and retain information, I have been researching the concept of the digital brain.


RabbitMQ is a message broker that is used to distribute messages between different applications and services. It is a very popular messaging system that is used by many companies and organizations.

What is code quality?

Quality code meets the functional requirements, meaning it does what it's supposed to do.

Why did I choose Next.js?

This is the first post of my blog that I wrote after migrating from gatsby to Next.js.

HTTP Headers

HTTP headers are used to pass information between the server and the client and it consists of a key-value pair.

HTTP Methods

In the software world, we want to keep close control of our dependencies to prevent unwanted bugs but we also wanna keep those same dependencies up to date to prevent getting behind on safety or performance.

Intro to Json Web Tokens

JWT stands for JSON web token and is a secure way to send JSON data between two parties, usually the server and the browser.

Pros and Cons of Typescript

Recently I was asked why do I love Typescript so much and although I knew in my guts that I love it I couldn't put in words what I knew. For that reason, I decided that to summarize everything that I like and don't like on Typescript.

Renovate Bot - Packages upgrade made easy

In the software world, we want to keep close control of our dependencies to prevent unwanted bugs but we also wanna keep those same dependencies up to date to prevent getting behind on safety or performance.